Willimington, DE

Background Info:
Property Address:Wilmington inner city
Property Purchase Date:July 2021
Property Purchase Price:$4.5M
Diamond Properties LLC Ownership (%)100%
Current Property Status:
Property Operation Status:Under Rehab/Refinance Status
Property Debt Structure:Under refinance – term sheet approved by lender
Rehab (if applicable) status:75 to 95% complete
Total Rehab cost (Capex):$275K
Current monthly expense (if any):$30K
Property ARV after Rehab:$5.2 M
Property Future Outlook:
Property future outlook:Fix and Hold
Outlook detailsTurn this into a traveling nurse apartment for rental with fully furnished rooms (26 units) with kitchen and bathroom for traveling nurses to stay and use. Amenities include: common kitchen, dining area, lounge and recreational area.

Expected in 2024 – $360k/year
Expected Implementation Outlook date:90% stabilized by September 2023
Expected Rental return Annually$600K (proforma 2024) annual from Rental
Other details:All properties are 1-4 family in the Greater Wilmington MSA
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